The issues plaguing iPad use has been resolved.
Update your iPad As of January 30, 2025, to the latest version of iOS which is 18.3
iPads can now repeatedly load and play all four wordchain games, with no Web Gl context lost errors.
If you are experiencing issues contact Reg, Tech support at wordchainhelp@gmail.com
Wordchain began as four apps launched in 2017 for iOS and Android devices. Each year has brought new developments.
This year we will launch wordchain 5
The apps are part of Christchurch literacy expert Betsy Sewell's "Agility with Sound", a comprehensive programme for building capable readers.
Wordchain for Web brings the success of those apps to most laptops, desktops and devices with a web browser.
It also introduces a subscription model that allows us to lower the price point and make it more widely available.
For further information, head to wordchain.co.nz(external link)